Monday 21 September 2009


A treatment is an outline of your ideas. You need to consider the following:

  • Target audience? And how will your sequence make it clear that this is your target audience?
  • Concept for the film?
  • Synopsis of the film?
  • Title?
  • Outline of idea for two minute sequence?
  • Ideas for title sequence-how will this relate to the ideas/themes/genre of the film?

Thursday 17 September 2009

Research/Planning Tasks

An outline of how the research and planning criteria correspond to the tasks over the next few weeks...

  • There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience. (analysing thriller film openings/the function of opening sequences/interesting shots/angles/uses of mise-en-scene you could use/understanding the conventions/looking at the difference between 15 and 18 certificate/target audience-who?)

  • There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props (production schedule/location scout/location photography/risk assessment).

  • There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding (storyboarding/shot list/treatment).

  • There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning (a detailed, thorough, record of the process/a well presented blog that is visually sophisticated)

  • Time management is excellent (all deadlines met).

Marking Critieria for Research and Planning

This is the set of descriptors for Level 4 Excellent (16-20 marks). Level 1=minimal Level 2=basic Level 3=proficient
Research and Planning must be presented in electronic format. Where candidates have worked as a group, this may be presented collectively, but teachers are asked to differentiate the contributions of individuals within the group in arriving at a mark and justifying individual marks on the assessment sheet.

  • There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience.

  • There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.

  • There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.

  • There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning

  • Time management is excellent.

The Importance of Titles

Neville Brody is a title sequence artist. Here he deconstructs some of the work of the best artists in the field.

Inventive, Creative Title Sequences

Wednesday 16 September 2009

The Brief

To create the opening sequence of a new thriller film (to include titles) aimed at a 15 or 18 certificate audience. Maximum two minutes.

Genre Hybrids

Monday 14 September 2009


Storyboards from the film 'The Big Lebowski'

Thriller conventions

The following is a list of thriller conventions. Use it to both to create your own sequence and analyse existing ones, remembering that different films will use different conventions in different ways............:

Thriller Conventions.

A crime at the core of the narrative (often murder, but not necessarily).
A complex narrative structure, with false paths, clues and resolutions.
A narrative pattern of establishing enigmas which the viewer expects to be resolved.
A protagonist who is systematically dis-empowered and drawn into a complex web of intrigue by the antagonist.
Extraordinary events happening in ordinary situations.
Themes of identity.
Themes of mirroring.
Themes of voyeurism.
Protagonist with a ‘flaw’ which is exploited by the antagonist.
Titles often reflect an aspect of the pro/antagonist’s psychological state.
There is often a scene near the end of the film in which the protagonist is in peril.
Mise en scene which echoes/ mirrors the protagonist’s plight.

Last year's student thrillers

Also look at how the titles work-what sort of things are included in a title sequence? How does the font reflect the genre/themes?
  • Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock,
  • Anatomy of a Murder (
  • Casino Royale (

Real Media Texts-Thriller Opening Sequences

Some examples of thriller opening sequences. Watch them and think about: the generic conventions of thrillers (i.e. what makes you know it's a thriller!); features and function of opening sequences; how each opening suggests its target audience; shots and ideas you could use in your own sequence...

  • Memento (Christopher Nolan, 2000)

  • The Usual Suspects (Bryan Singer, 1995)

  • Seven (David Fincher, 1995)